Music Medics

No, we’re not doctors… well, one of us is.   Most are Barbershoppers who want to bring a little joy to hospital patients who only see medical staff wearing scrubs!  Yes, we’re also in scrubs but we heal through music.  Sometimes our audience initially thinks we are real doctors.  Then we introduce ourselves and begin to sing and their apprehensions go away.   You can see the happy surprise on their faces that they are not having another procedure – we are there to entertain, not put them through more tests.

The Music Medics sing monthly for children and adults in hospitals around the county to surprise them, make them laugh and hopefully brighten their day.

The Medics program began in the Miami chapter and has spread nationwide.   We proudly represent the Palm Beach County Chapter.

Bringing a little light into a patient’s sometimes lonely existence.  This is who Barbershoppers are.  This is what Barbershoppers do.